how it should be
Merry Christmas!
sweet baby!
Two night passed, and then we found ourselves in church on Sunday morning, listening to a sermon entitled, "Where is Jesus?" We seek Jesus in so many places... some seek Him in the sanctuary, some claim to find Him in their Bible. Some find Him in a manger, and others find Him on the cross. Can we find Jesus in those places? Yes, I believe we can, but Jesus also gives us an extremely clear example of where we can find Him in Matthew 25:33-46.
33 He will set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
34 Then will the King say to those on his right hand, 'Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in.
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and gave you drink?
38 When did we see you as a stranger and take you in? Or naked and clothed you?
39 Or when did we see you sick or in prison, and come to you?'
40 And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you that as you have done so to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done so to me.'
41 Then he will say to those on the left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 For I was an hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink.
43 I was a stranger and you did not take me in. I was naked and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison, and you did not visit me.'
44 Then they will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to you?'
45 Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly I say to you that by your not ministering to one of the least of these, you did not minister to me.'
46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.'"2
So, where is Jesus? Is He the needy? Is He the hungry, poor, and downtrodden? By serving those, are we serving HIM? We like to think that by helping others, we are being Jesus to them. And although we are in fact demonstrating Christ's love by giving of our money, time, or talents, we must never forget that above all else, we are SERVING Him through those actions.
On this eve of Thanksgiving, I'm reminded of how very much we have. And I'm reminded of how much more we could give. Not just money... but time, love, patience, understanding, compassion. The list goes on.
What will you give this holiday season?
And to Whom will it be given?
playing catch-up
* Mammy's birthday
* Family Fun Night at {p}'s school
* carving pumpkins
* preschool party for {s}
* crafty breadstick bones (watch out, Martha!)
* trick or treating around the square
* Halloween
* a friend's new baby
* playing around outside
* visit to The Rock Ranch with Mammy and Pat
* {s}'s almost THREE pics
* {s}'s 3rd birthday with a "Martha Speaks" cake
I feel better now! Maybe I'll do better for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
what I'm hearing
What a wonderful evening. Thank you, {K}!
you are so loved...
I loved you yesterday
and all the days before...
and when tomorrow comes,
one year old
for undecided voters...
Why I am voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
It was requested that we talk more about why we're voting FOR someone and not AGAINST someone.
To me, there are fundamentals that I have to consider when deciding who I want to be the leader of the free world. Those fundamentals are integrity, strength, honesty and a willingness to do what is right more than what is expected.
John McCain has always been a fighter. He's fought for his country, he's fought for his life and hs spent the last 30 years fighting for what he knows is right. He will fight for the freedom and security of this country because this country and the idea of freedom mean so much to him.
John McCain is not a "party guy" like his opponent and critics would like you to believe. They say he's more of President Bush. However, prior to being the Republican candidate for President, McCain was one of the favorite Senators of those in his opposing party. They've praised his willingness to buck his partywhen he disagrees with their position. (I have this on video). To be honest, I didn't trust John McCain's commitment to his party in the beginning of the primary process. I had a fear that he would get the nomination and then do something that would make the conservative voice in this country go mute (or have no ears to listen). But now I see that John McCain is someone who is convited, principled and authors and votes on legislation that fits those convictions. I may disagree with him on issues like immigration and how to handle the environment but I agree with how he will lead this nation.
If I had to choose my favorite John McCain moment (of course, pre-VP pick) of the year, it would be when he voted for the troop surge in Iraq. John McCain has fought in a war. He's been in command of troops. His father and grandfather were in command of fleets with tens of thousands of troops represented in those fleets. He knows the rules of war because he's been there. McCain knew the way that we could achieve victory in Iraq and also knew that his opinion and vote could ultimately cost him the chance to be President as the Independent voters might shy away from him. McCain's reponse, "I'd rather win a war and lose an election than lose a war." Defeat is no option for the United States and Iraq and John McCain was, once again, willing to sacrifice his personal battle for the sake of the right thing. His opponent, on the other hand, has yet to utter the word, "VICTORY" when referring to the war.
I applaud John McCain's position on life. Life is a gift. It is precious and he and Cindy McCain demonstrated that with the care and later adoption of their daughter. I believe that when you get to the core of a person's belief and watch how they live their life, you can track that core belief to so many other areas of their life. I do have to contrast McCain with his opponent on this one. And I cannot possibly leave out McCain's running mate when you talk about living your beliefs. Sarah Palin has demonstrated her commitment to life in two strong images. One is her son and the other is her daughter and her daughter's choice to not abort her child. What Sarah Palin has said regarding her son is that he is perfect in God's eyes and that he was a special gift sent by God to bless their lives. It wasn't how she planned things but she has publically thanked God for this unexpected gift. And her daughter's situation and decision demonstrates that the Palin family has a core belief that life is something given to us by our Creator. Contrary to that was Obama's statement to Planned Parenthood (which I will foward in a video if anyone wants). He said that he wouldn''t want his daughters to be "punished with a baby" if they made a poor choice leading to an unplanned pregnancy. He didn't say that he wanted his daughters to have a choice. He pointed to the idea that they would be punished if they ever choose to give birth or keep a child. Obama's own mother was an unwed teen mother. I guess he feels that he was a punishment to his mother...? I don't get it. The anti-life, anti-choice NARAL crowd is blasting Palin for "forcing her daughter to have this baby" because they have no regard for life. There is no choice to those in that camp. I place McCain's opponent squarely in that camp. He talks their talk when he's in their presence.
Now, I was a Rudy Giuliani supporter in the beginning. Rudy is pro-choice however he has made it clear where he stands, personally. His political opinion is based on access and law. When speaking he would use the term, "unexpected occurrence" or "unintended outcome" for an unplanned pregnancy. He never once referred to a baby as punishment. Rudy was so strong on all other issues that I worked this one personally.
The economy, taxes, healthcare, the environment, and all other issues find me pretty much in harmony with the McCain-Palin ticket. I will be attending a few events and if I have the chance to ask John McCain or Sarah Palin a question it will be about what they plan to do to combat the fraud in the Medicaid system. It is estimated that thirty-one percent (31%) of Medicaid costs are fraudulent in nature. THIRTY ONE PERCENT of one of the most expensive government programs is fraud!! The federal government has no place being in the healthcare industry and this is evidence to support that claim. If I could design a healthcare plan for families whose employer did not provide health insurance I would hand the responsibility to the states. Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus are options that work. Two of my family members have had experience with both (one still does) and finds it to be a well-managed and patient-centered program. CHP, however, is not Medicaid. CHP treats claims, requests for treatment and such the same way private health insurance does. They scrutinize, verify and then approve. Medicaid just approves. I remember that when I was being released from the hospital with (daughter). This hospital has a lot of Medicaid patients. If I disagreed with being released, I had to go and then attend a hearing to decide for readmission. Medicaid patients were instructed to "sign here if you believe that it is in your best interest to remain hospitalized. A hearing will take place within 12 hours but you are not required to leave the hospital." HUH? I was paying $1100 per month for insurance and I had to leave but the freebies could stay? Federal Health Insurance does not work. McCain has talked about putting the states in charge of healthcare for the uninsured. He hasn't gone as far as to say what I'd like to hear, "Eliminate Medicaid and instead use the federal dollars to fund the state's coverage." He has talked about tax credits (dollar for dollar credit) for paying for health insurance. That is actually free health insurance. You just have to be able to pay up-front and then get reimbursed at tax time.
As part of a family that pays both, I agree with McCain's position on personal and corporate taxes. More taxes to the government to "redistribute wealth" hurts economic growth. The government take in plenty of revenue from taxes. You don't need more. Do you realize that the top 1% pays 40% of all income taxes while the bottom 50% pays 2% of the total income tax dollars received?? Nobody talks about those numbers (well. they do but it is buried by the press). My sisteris a low-income individual. She makes $24,000 per year and is a single mother. She gets more money back each year than she pays. My other sister and her husband make a combined $48,000 per year. They have one son. (well, he's my sister's son). I inquired and they ended up netting at total of $120 paid to the federal government for taxes last year. Both of them own their own homes, neither drives expensive cars, one has cable while the other doesn't. And John McCain doesn't consider people who make up to $5M per year the middle class. If you watched that interview (I did) it was said in jest after McCain was attempting to calculate in his head how much Rick Warren made from his book sales. That claim is just plain stupid.
I agree more with Palin on the energy issue than McCain but McCain is coming around. He's understanding the wealth of our nation's natural resources muchmore fully because of his running mate. Sarah Palin knows what Alaska has to offer. She understands how we can generate a TON of energy supply by tappinginto Alaska's natural gas supply. She gets it and he's seeing the issue more clearly because of it.
I'm not going to go into each issue because, quite frankly, I have to get back to work. I'll just close with the fact that by adding Sarah Palin to the ticket, my vote is even more secure. She brings an element of change. She's not afraid to stand up to her opponents when doing the right thing is what matters. Her experience,in my opinion is the best experience of the four. When Lou Gertsner left American Express to head up RJR Nabisco and then IBM people kept asking what a travelguy knew about tobacco and cookies and then what he knew about computers and networks. You don't have to know the industry to be effective. You take the experience of leading teams, of tackling problems, of protecting your people and resources (in charge of Alaska National Guard and pipeline security both), and you kick it up a level. McCain, Obama and Biden have zero experience with managing people, departments, budgets, priorities from an executive position. SarahPalin has that experience and she has the demonstrated conviction to do what is right for the people she serves.
In the McCain/Palin ticket I see Do-ers. I see people standing up to the opposition or even their own party to accomplish what few others have accomplished. Isee results-oriented people who aren't poll-watchers. I see two people who are completely fit to lead this nation.
My neighbor, a newly retired union trucker (Teamster) has echoed a claim I've heard before. "The Democrats used to represent the working guy. All they seem to care about these days is the non-working guy." JFK is turning in his grave because the statement now of the party seems to be, "Ask not what you can do for your country but rather what your country can and should do for you." I cannot support a continuation of the entitlement mentality.
There you have it. Yes, I had to take time to make contrasts where appropriate. (Heck, ask Obama or Biden to make a speech and not use the word, "BUSH." They can't and no one has told them that Bush isn't running...).
I hope this doesn't show up with funny symbols. I typed it in Notepad because MSN's windows wouldn't have survived the 6 hours I've been working on this thing.
Thanks for reading!
my baby

Last night during our prayers he told God he was sorry for playing boxing with hangers, and that he was thankful for going to church and sleeping. I never know what he might say (and he says some doozies!) but it usually brings a smile to my face.
(*thanks to Shapiro Photography for this preschool photo!)
what's wrong with this picture?

I saw this picture in the latest Pottery Barn Kids catalog. PB doesn't just sell stuff. They sell a lifestyle, a story, a dream that maybe this time, it will be perfect. Trust me, if I bought that child sized table, the turkey runner, the placemats, the stuffed turkey, my Thanksgiving still wouldn't look like THAT. Or, it might look like that for about five seconds, but only until someone spilled the drink, broke a glass, strangled their cousin (or brother) with the ribbon that was pulled off of the chair, played football with the turkey centerpiece, and drew on the chalkboard with markers. If you look closely at the picture, you will see that no one is crying and no one has stained their white sweaters... yet.
It's nice, Pottery Barn. I like to look at your idea of Thanksgiving, and even dream of it for a few minutes (or hours), but mine is better. Mine is real.
the first sign of fall
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp of baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. of cinnamon
2 eggs beaten
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/3 cup of miniature chocolate chips
1. In one bowl combine ... eggs, pumpkin, and oil.
2. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients, then fold in the chips (you know you really need to add more than the recipe calls for, right?)
3. Spoon batter in to muffin cups (2/3 full) and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees
and enjoy:
and suddenly
I realized that it took up more space in mine.
When did that happen?
first day of school: round 2
"Me no want pictures!"
I think if {p} had done that at 2, I would've picked him up and made him stand at the door just so I could get that shot of the first day outfit and the cute little school bag. And I probably could've done that with {s} -- maybe not... he's pretty stubborn -- but the floor thing reflected his personality so I decided to take the picture just as he was.
I had to fill out a sheet to send to school with him today. One of the questions asked for three words to describe our child. I'm so used to thinking of adjectives for {p}. He's smart, he's caring, he's compassionate, he's sensitive, he's mature. I almost caught myself writing the same sort of thing for {s}, until it hit me that although he can be those things, they aren't him.
He's silly, he's funny, he's a mess, he's curious, he's inquisitive, he's bright, he's stubborn. Sometimes he smothers me with kisses, and sometimes he swipes his face until it is red to wipe kisses off. Sometimes he'll put his hands on my cheeks and say, "I love you," and sometimes he'll glare at me and say, "Me no like you." Sometimes he'll pose for the camera with a huge grin, and sometimes he'll flop on the floor, hands covering his head. But that's okay. It's who he is.

fast learner
I just sat down with {s} last Thursday to play a Teletubbies game online. Usually he tells me what to click and I do all of that. I decided to show him how to use the touchpad on the laptop, he spent some time playing with {p} this weekend, and today (just Monday) he is navigating PBSkids like a pro. He goes from one show to another, from one game to another, and even printed a page (but unfortunately, the printer is downstairs and isn't turned on so it didn't actually print). I peeked at something he was doing and told him what to click, and he informed me, "No click. Have to drag it!"
How did he learn this so fast??? He will be 2 years and 9 months old tomorrow. I didn't touch a computer until I was in junior high. It is just remarkable what this generation of children is able to do!
And it means there is now one more person I'll have to fight for the computer.
first day report
the big 1
We'll miss friends from last year (hang in there, {p} and Abby!), but look forward to making some new ones. We will miss the teachers from last year (I almost cried when we stopped by to visit them today), but I'm excited to get to know and work with his new teacher. We have a lot to miss from the wonderful year of Kindergarten, but I think we're going to have a lot to look forward to as well.
For today, we'll get the lunchbox packed, get the backpack ready, and fill the water bottle that {p} will get to keep on his desk. We'll fill the "get to know me" bag with pictures and some favorite things.
As for tonight, we'll pray for a great first day, a great year, a great teacher, and great friends.
And a little "please don't let him (or me) cry" thrown in for good measure.
they may kick me out!
You Are 50% Yankee, 50% Dixie |
![]() You're a pretty even split of Yankee and Dixie. You've probably traveled around a lot in your life. |
Jimmy Buffett
Stone Mountain. So did I.
Definitely not the best part of the night!
The boys enjoyed the Laser Show, although I have no pictures to prove that. We were so crowded in that I couldn't get a picture. I had visions of really cute pictures of them sprawled out on a blanket on the lawn, waiting for fireworks. No room, no blanket, no lawn. Just squished on a walkway behind some people and in front of some people. Even so, it was their first experience at the "big rock." There will have to be more, and we'll have to get there earlier and I will NOT wear flip flops!
he's six!
He had a great campout party with some wonderful, special friends. Happy Birthday, my little sweet {p}!
happy anniversary!
almost famous
Garnish is all about presentation. I love a good presentation. I like shopping at the stores in my little hometown because they wrap things up nice and pretty, with tissue paper and lots of ribbon. I can buy a 50 cent shell at The Vintage Flea for {p} and they still take the time to make the bag look pretty. My friend Betsy (hello, Betsy! Time to get a blog.. or a website!) at Paper Appointments does the same thing... cute little bags tied up with cute little ribbon. It feels good knowing that someone takes the time to make something look nice, just for you. And that is what Garnish is all about. Taking something, and giving it a little piece of you before you give it to someone else.
This comes from straight from their website, and sums it up perfectly:
"Garnish is much more than a product, it is the emotion that surrounds what you create with our products. It is running through the grass barefoot or using your good china every day "just because."
Go ahead and check out their site. They aren't paying me or giving me a discount to write any of this. I'm writing it because I believe in sharing when a company goes above and beyond for customer service. And, because I like sharing good ideas and they have a million (well, almost!)of them to share with you.
about boys...
A boy is truth with dirt on its face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. - Allen Beck
A perfect summer day to a little boy means, a scrape on the knee, mud on his face and collecting bugs in the garden. - Author Unknown
You don't raise heroes; you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes. - Walter Schirra Sr.
Boys are God's way of telling you your house is too neat. - Author Unknown
Boy: a noise with dirt on it. - Author Unknown
not for the squeamish
a letter to the teachers...
Now I'm at the other side, facing {p}'s last day of Kindergarten tomorrow. I don't know how it passed by so quickly... all of those paper projects and milestones that mark the first year of school are now safely tucked away in a plastic box and my heart. I'm so thankful to be able to look back on this year and know that it was right. It was right and good and everything we could hope for. I prayed so specifically for the right teacher, for the right classroom, for the right classmates. And I can look back now and know without a doubt that God placed {p} in the place where he belonged. A place where he would be comfortable, yet challenged. A place where he could both be encouraged and be an encourager to others. A place where I was welcomed as a worrying, overprotective mother. And, more than anything, a place where he was loved.
Thank you, Miss Pence and Mrs. Sharon, for giving our child a foundation that will carry him far. Thank you for the fun, creative activities. Thank you for the structure and organization. Thank you for the all of the time that you spent thinking about and planning for school. Thank you for the small things, like the Christmas picture of Pixie.... and for the big things, like the hugs that helped get him through the first two weeks of school. Thank you for accepting the caterpillars, the moths, and the lizard with excitement. Thank you for making Kindergarten a magical place. Thank you for being calm, kind, and loving. Thank you for knowing how special {p} is to us, and for seeing that in him as well. Thank you for all that you have given to us this year... especially the peace that comes from knowing that {p} was exactly where he needed to be, with teachers who were clearly an answer to our prayers.
did I really say NEVER?
I just stuck a Spiderman wall cling to {p}'s bedroom wall.
Me. Spiderman. I neverevereverever thought I would even purchase something like it. But I did. I saw it on clearance in Target and knew that it would make {p} such a happy thing. Plus, he knows I don't like Spiderman, which makes him all the more likeable to {p}. I knew that a million years, he wouldn't have expected for me to cave in and put something like that up in his room. So, I bought it.
I was going to give it to him as part of his birthday present (still two months away), but he saw it in the back of the car one day. I bargained with him... 14 nights in his bed without sneaking into ours. In a row. If he snuck into our bed one night, I would start counting all over. Honestly, I thought it would take him forever. Well, it didn't. It took him only 14 nights.
I don't like Spiderman in there. {p}'s room has taken on a slight aura of tackiness, but apparently that doesn't matter to five year olds. And it shouldn't matter to me. I'm working on that.
speaking of bluebirds...
It's strange, though. The parents were all around while we were outside playing frisbee and chasing the dog. But as soon as I set up the tripod and {K} took the boys around back, they both disappeared. I sat on the concrete driveway for a long time before they finally came back. Maybe they like our noise!
**And a photo related question here. WHY is this picture so grainy? I took it with a 55-200 zoom lens, more than likely it was on 200. I cropped it a bit (less than half of the original) and ran a quick fix, but that's all. Is something wrong with the way I'm focusing? It looks pretty sharp until I view it larger, then it just has a grainy quality. Any suggestions?
bluebirds are my favorite
Yesterday {K}'s mom found a bluebird egg in their yard. It seems that another type of bird tossed the eggs out and claimed the nest as its own. {p} didn't understand why we couldn't hatch it anyway. He wanted to keep holding it in his hand in case a baby hatched out. He took the egg to school today... one more thing to share in a long line of "things to share" that he has already taken to school this year.
lucky weekend!
I like that {p} is out of focus here. I did get some good shots where both he and the bubbles were in focus, but I like the look of the bubbles being the main focus of this one. And, if you click on the picture, you can see the reflection of our house in the bubbles... mainly the biggest bubble near the left.

hummingbird nest
I read up a little just to know what all was involved in this tiny nest. Smaller than a golfball, the nest is made using spider web silk! Imagine that! And, the outside is covered with small pieces of lichen. If what I read is correct, mama hummingbird will lay two tiny white eggs.
My grandmother, Sweet Pea, would've loved this. I can't help but think that she was there today, peeking over my shoulder as I climbed to the tip top of the ladder and took these pictures.


playing around with the camera
{s} wasn't supposed to have this Coke, but he snuck it out of the fridge in the garage. Cute photo opportunity, so I let him keep drinking.

And this is Dasher, probably trying to lick the Coke off of {s}'s face. He didn't want any part of her slobber. Can't say that I blame him.

1) Do you like blue cheese? I wouldn't just eat a hunk of it plain, but I do enjoy it in foods.
2) Have you ever smoked heroin? Um, NO. I've never smoked anything, not even once.
3) Do you own a gun? I personally do not own one... but if someone came into our house I guarantee you they would be shot.
4) Your favorite song? I always have a hard time with this question. I like "More" by Matthew West, "Held" by Natalie Grant... for something sentimental I like "Me and You" by Kenny Chesney. I really like that song that's in the new Macbook Air commercial, whatever it is. I listen to a few different types of music, but I have to credit my friend over at A Wink and A Smile with having the best taste in music ever. I don't know where she comes up with all of her music, but I'd like a copy of everything on her Ipod.
5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No, I don't get nervous. If someone is watching my children I see it as a chance to relax and read a book!
6) What do you think about hot dogs? They're best when cooked on a grill, and a little crispy on the outside.
7) Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night, sung by John Berry... Emmanuel sung by Jennifer Nettles... and I also like O Come All Ye Faithful sung by Sara Evans. I mean, there are my favorites no matter who sings them, but I happen to really, really like the versions mentioned above.
8) Can you do push ups? The girly kind.
9) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Other than my wedding ring, the diamond necklace that was my Sweet Pea's.
10) Favorite hobby? taking pictures
11) Do you have A.D.D.? nope
12) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I'm not a happy person when I don't get what I want.
13) Middle name? I like my middle name, but in an effort to retain a little anonymity, I'm not sharing.
14) Name three thoughts at this exact moment? This is taking longer than I thought, I think AI need to wash some clothes, and I don't know why Geico chose to use a lizard in their commercials.
15)Name three things you bought yesterday? I only bought one thing yesterday, and it was an online course in Photoshop Elements.
16) Name three drinks you regularly drink. Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper, and water.
17) Current worry right now? Worry is my middle name. The current thought going through my head is what can I do about the mosquitoes that are going to be very bad this summer.
18) Current hate right now? Nothing.
1 9) Where would you like to go? I don't know... to bed? To Disney World? Sandestin? Calypso's at Orange Beach for some grouper fingers? I don't enjoy travelling far away from home, so I don't have any dream trips. Except maybe I would like to go back to Greece and England. As long as I could get there without flying or getting on a boat.
20) Name three people who will complete this? not tagging anyone!
21) Do you own slippers? Yes, but I do not wear them regularly.
22) What shirt are you wearing? a brown t-shirt
23) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? never have
24) Can you whistle? Yes, but my husband cannot
25) Favorite color?(s) green, yellow, brown,
26) What songs do you sing in the shower? None,
27) Would you be a pirate? I don't think I would.
28) Favorite girl's name(s)? Seeing as how I've never had the opportunity to use a girly name... I'm not sure. We picked Lauren Faith if {s} had been a girl, but I don't know if I would chose that name again for a girl if given the opportunity. I like Olivia. And I really like my name, so I might use it as a middle name.
29) Favorite boy's name(s)? Other than the 2 I have already used for my boys, I like Wynn.
30) What's in your pocket right now? nothing
31) Last thing that made you laugh? Robin Williams on Americal Idol tonight.
32) Worst injury you've ever had? I have never really had any bad injuries, but one time {K} hit me in the ankle with a horsehoe, and it hurt for a very, very, very long time.
33) Do you love where you live? Absolutely!
34)How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
35) Who is your loudest friend? My friend Jennifer. I think she would say the same thing about herself, so I shouldn't get in any trouble for that one!
36) How many dogs do you have? one - Dasher, an adorable collie
37) Does someone have a crush on you? I do hope that my husband still falls into this category.
38) What is your favorite book? Oh... books. I read a lot of them and I don't know if I could pick a favorite. As for classics, I've always liked Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. As for fluffy chic lit, I like the Shopoholic books, and I also like anything by Mary Kay Andrews.
39) What is your favorite Candy? chocolate, anything with chocolate!
40) Favorite Sports Team? out of loyalty, I guess I should say The Braves.
41) What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't really want to think about this.
42) What were you doing 12 AM last night? reading
43) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I was at my parents' house with the boys, and I thought - "It is SO nice to sleep late!!!!!!!"
44) Not sure where this question went ????
45) What's your favorite cereal? Smart Start
46) What did you dream about last night? I dreamed that a friend of mine was telling me that she was happy again, and it was a wonderful dream. I want her to have JOY in her life again.
47) Do you snore? if I choose to believe what others tell me, the answer is yes
48) Can you drink from the other side of the glass? You're supposed to do this when you have the hiccups, but it is very confusing.
49) Favorite movie? Not a big movie buff. I can't really think of one.
50) Have you ever been in trouble with the law? No. The only interaction I've had with "the law" was when I got a speeding ticket several months ago. It was the first time I'd ever been pulled over.
Whew. That was very time consuming. In retrospect, it would have been much easier to come up with an original blog idea!
playing in the dirt


our helper... she was a little too eager and she had to go back in the fence


