first day report

And the news is good. He had a great first day. For some reason, he thinks that he'll get to play more in 1st grade and work less. Hmm... not so sure about that one! I think that the teachers at his school are so fun and creative that he doesn't realize that most of the stuff he does is actually "work." That's exactly how it should be!


DrW said...

What a PRECIOUS picture! I know you are proud of that big boy!

momto5minnies said...

That is so wonderful to hear of his LOVE for school and learning. I hope his year is fabulous!!!!!!

Nicole McLaughlin said...

LOVE that photo!! I cant believe i'ts that time of year!! How great that you have such wonderful teachers.

Unknown said...

YAY! I think it is great that he is already enjoying school so much this year!
