so THIS is who I really am...

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Some of the descriptions:

"ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They live in the world of people possibilities. More so than any other type, they have excellent people skills. They understand and care about people, and have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. ENFJ's main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for people, and get their best personal satisfaction from this."

"Rated by psychologists among 2 types least likely to have trouble in school. "
This must be true... the only time I got in trouble in school was in Kindergarten, when my best friend and I put our rest mats on top of our heads so the teachers couldn't see us talking. It didn't work.

"Success for an ENFJ comes through involvement in the process of making things happen for people; through the accomplishments and satisfactions of those they have helped to enrich the human world with greater value, and through finding that their efforts on behalf of others have fulfilled their own life as well."

THANKS, {E}! That was fun!

luna moth caterpillar

I've written a couple of times about {p}'s interest in bugs... most living things, actually. Right now in school, they are learning all about animals, their habits and habitats, and life cycles.

It couldn't have been better timing for his Grandaddy Pat to find this.

This is a photo of our newest pet - a luna moth caterpillar. Right now, he is safely tucked away in the bug habitat. He has been gorging himself on leaves, and has evidence from his little digestive system to prove just how much he is eating. This is a HUGE caterpillar... the biggest I've ever seen. I went to {p}'s class and all of his friends got to take an up-close look. The new home for the caterpillar will be in the classroom. We're crossing our fingers that we see a cocoon, and one day, a LUNA MOTH!

adventures from the weekend

We took the boys to an old mill... a popular place for local photographers to go when they do a location shoot. I wasn't overly excited about any pictures in particular that I took, but it was a fun day anyway. {p} got to fish, which always makes him happy. And {s} got to throw rocks and dirt, which always makes him happy as well.

(just for you, Dr. W!)

the sitting rock, part 2

Back with the black and whites. I wasn't happy with many of them, but there were some that I liked. I can't remember the last time I used a film camera. And, I think it was the first time I've ever used a 35 mm, as opposed to a point and shoot film camera. The focus took a little getting used to, and a handful of the pics were a little blurry. The last one here was my very favorite. We heard an owl hooting in the distance, and {p} quickly turned and made "hand binoculars" to look for it. If I had more time to compose that shot, I would've gotten his feet in there. Oh well.. I like it anyway!

the sitting rock

There's a rock in the woods in our backyard. We call it the sitting rock. It's a favorite place for {K} to take the boys to sit and eat popsicles in the summer. As I found out today, it's a pretty good spot for pictures, too.

I took these of {s} with my camera. Right as I was about to start on some of {p}, the batteries went dead. I ended up taking some of {p} with an old Minolta 35mm, on an old roll of black and white film. We'll get them developed shortly. Hope they turn out!

Here are some of {s}. I love them!

anything for a laugh

{s} is such a character. He will do anything if he thinks you're going to laugh at him. And if you laughed at him once, weeks later you'll catch him doing the same thing hoping for another laugh.

It's interesting to see how each child shapes you into the parent that you are. {p} can be very funny and silly too, but he's also a very serious, deep thinker.

{s} is all about having fun, like trying to slide down a Little People ramp because the slide at the park was too wet. Turns out, it wasn't as fun once he got stuck.

He's not even 2, and he has already figured out how to make toot noises and fake burps.

Where did this child come from??? I think God gave us {s} to teach us to relax a little... to lighten up.

Because it is hard to be serious when your child's fingers are knuckle deep in his nostrils.