
It's a dreary day. Rain is pouring down, tears are falling down {s}'s face because he can't have the Spiderman thermos, and {p} is complaining about homework. Haven't blogged lately, but it's not for lack of subject matter. One night I discovered that {s} thought Jesus was the black lady who keeps the nursery at church. Our conversation was blogworthy, but I just haven't had the time (or else, I haven't used it wisely) to organize my thoughts. I thought this might be a good opportunity to write, but a certain little person (who is still complaining) is tapping his pencil against my William and Mary fruit bowl and the constant ping-pinging is distracting me.

So, now the purpose of a random post in the middle of the day -- a little award from my friend E. Thank you, my sweet friend with 5 Minnies!!

And now the rules are that I need to select 7 other blogs to recieve this award. Not hard at all...
1. Dr. W - this woman encouraged my photography, takes great pictures herself and has great taste in books.

2. Where the Wild Things Are - three boys (one more than I), and I enjoy reading about their adventures and seeing their adorable pictures.

3. Simple Thoughts - you can't look at the colors and layout of this blog and not feel peaceful. Her pictures and children are gorgeous!

4. Julie - who is not almost 35 anymore. It's been fun reading the blog of a friend I know IRL, and besides... she deserves the award because she finds time to blog with 3 children and a husband who works out of town.

5. Testosterhome - I've only read this blog a few times, because I don't have it bookmarked and thus I forget about it. But I think I need to add it to my sidebar. 5 boys. If they can survive, so can I!

6. Okay, this is getting harder and my children are requiring a bit of supervision. To be continued...

fast learner

I just sat down with {s} last Thursday to play a Teletubbies game online. Usually he tells me what to click and I do all of that. I decided to show him how to use the touchpad on the laptop, he spent some time playing with {p} this weekend, and today (just Monday) he is navigating PBSkids like a pro. He goes from one show to another, from one game to another, and even printed a page (but unfortunately, the printer is downstairs and isn't turned on so it didn't actually print). I peeked at something he was doing and told him what to click, and he informed me, "No click. Have to drag it!"

How did he learn this so fast??? He will be 2 years and 9 months old tomorrow. I didn't touch a computer until I was in junior high. It is just remarkable what this generation of children is able to do!

And it means there is now one more person I'll have to fight for the computer.

first day report

And the news is good. He had a great first day. For some reason, he thinks that he'll get to play more in 1st grade and work less. Hmm... not so sure about that one! I think that the teachers at his school are so fun and creative that he doesn't realize that most of the stuff he does is actually "work." That's exactly how it should be!

the big 1

1st grade, that is. It's going to be a little easier for me this year. I'm more filled with anticipation than anxiety. {p} knows the routine of school, I know the routine of school and the chaos that seems to happen as soon as we walk in the door in the afternoon. Good chaos, when {s} gets to see his big brother after missing him for several hours, when {p} digs around for a snack and I dig around through the backpack and folder and we all hunt for a pencil that has both a point and an eraser.

We'll miss friends from last year (hang in there, {p} and Abby!), but look forward to making some new ones. We will miss the teachers from last year (I almost cried when we stopped by to visit them today), but I'm excited to get to know and work with his new teacher. We have a lot to miss from the wonderful year of Kindergarten, but I think we're going to have a lot to look forward to as well.

For today, we'll get the lunchbox packed, get the backpack ready, and fill the water bottle that {p} will get to keep on his desk. We'll fill the "get to know me" bag with pictures and some favorite things.

As for tonight, we'll pray for a great first day, a great year, a great teacher, and great friends.

And a little "please don't let him (or me) cry" thrown in for good measure.